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Eva Karaglani

MSc, PhDc, Dietitian-Nutritionist and Research Associate.

Eva obtained her B.Sc. in Nutrition & Dietetics in 2014 and her M.Sc. in Applied Nutrition & Dietetics with specialization in “Nutrition & Exercise” in 2017, both from the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, School of Health Science & Education, Harokopio University, Greece.

Currently she is a PhD Candidate in the field of Nutrition & Dietetics at the same University. She has extensive clinical and research experience, as during the last years she has participated in several research projects and clinical trials, such as the Feel4Diabetes-study – HORIZON2020 (Development and implementation of a community intervention program to develop a supportive social and natural environment to modify lifestyle in order to prevent diabetes mellitus in high-risk families across Europe), the SWEET project – HORIZON2020 (Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers: Impact on health, obesity, safety and sustainability) and the GATEKEEPER project – HORIZON2020 (Smart living homes – whole interventions demonstrator for people at health and social risks). Her research interests focus on promoting optimum growth and development in children and adolescents, as well as healthy and active living in adults and elderly. In 2018, she successfully completed the FAPESP-GACD training school on Implementation Science, held in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, while in 2019 she was secondeed as a Marie Curie RISE Early Stage Researcher to Biotechvana SA in Valencia, Spain under the research project Mast4Health – HORIZON2020.