Eva Karaglani
Eva obtained her B.Sc. in Nutrition & Dietetics in 2014 and her M.Sc. in Applied Nutrition & Dietetics with specialization in “Nutrition & Exercise” in 2017, both from the…

Christina Mavrogianni
Dietitian-Nutritionist, PhD candidate and Master in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics with specialization in “Clinical Nutrition”. Research Associate in the Department of Nutrition &…

Lamprinou Christina-Paulina
Dr. Lamprinou Christina-Paulina is Dietician-Nutritionist and Research Associate specialized in lifestyle counselling interventions and prevention of NCDs.

Kalliopi Karatzi
Dietician and Nutritionist and a Research and Teaching Associate of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.

Odysseas Androutsos
Associate Professor of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Researcher in the fields of nutritional assessment, determinants and lifestyle interventions for the prevention and treatment of NCDs.

Yannis Manios
Professor in Nutritional Assessment and Health Promotion. Research interests: assessment of dietary intake, lifestyle behaviours and health indices throughout the lifespan; designing…